Sherry Thooft |
Assessor |
Duties and Qualifications
The County Assessor is an elected official who has the general supervision over and the direction of the assessment of all property in his or her county. The duties are prescribed by Nebraska Statutes, Rules and Regulations (Chapter 77), which have the effect of law. The following is a partial list of those duties:
- Administer the assessment statutes of Nebraska law.
- Establish and maintain fair and equitable value on all real and personal property within the county.
- Attend all meetings of the County Board of Equalization.
- Review all applications for religious, charitable and educational tax exemptions.
- Maintain cadastral records (i.e., parcel maps) on all property in the county.
- Prepare abstract of value and certification of taxes levied for State Property Tax Administrator.
- Prepare annual tax roll for the County Treasurer.
- Attend mandatory workshops.
- Obtain a minimum of 4 hours of continued education bi-yearly.
General Information Available from this office for Furnas County property:
- Tax district information
- Ownership of a property
- Legal Description of property
- Valuation information
- Valuation of improvements
- Age of a structure
- Size and dimensions of a parcel
- Eligibility information on Homestead Exemptions
- How to file a property protest
How Values Change
- Fluctuations in the market
- Outside influences on the property
- Addition or removal of improvements
- Remodel or rehabilitation
- Updated pricing manual
Property Tax Exemptions
- Charitable facilities
- Educational facilities
- Religious facilities
- Certain seniors or persons with disabilities